Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dawdling Through the Week

Hello there. I know, I know, it's been almost two weeks since my last post. I'm falling a little behind on my "resolution", huh?

Well, that's ok, because here I am :) I've been doing the usual for the last week and a half. Going to school and going to Wal-Mart and eating and sleeping. You know, all of those super exciting things I just know you're aching to find out about. Ha!

Really though... I've decided I don't much like my classes this semester. I have International Business which is pretty neat. We're learning currency exchange rates and how to calculate Yen to British Pounds and USD to Canadian Dollars. Then there's Finance. I don't like numbers. I mean, sure, I'm fairly good and mathematical things and I really enjoyed my Accounting classes, but all of this "critical thinking" about stocks and bonds and mutual funds is just too much. It is interesting though. I'm just glad I'm not a finance/accounting major. I'd be in bad shape :) Oh boy, then there's Management. Which of course is my major. However, this class does not make me happy. I really could stay here and just read the text book I paid untold amounts of money for and learn the same things. I don't like that. I like some interaction and some excitement from the professor about what he/she is teaching. Reading from the book does not count. Oh well, who am I to complain?

Guess what? I am taking an "art appreciation" class that I absolutely adore. It's a lot of art history and looking at slides in a dark room a la Mona Lisa Smile. It's great. I have it at night and it is the only class I have on Mondays and Wednesdays. A bright spot in my Spring semester :) So, because I'm really out of "engaging material" for today, here are some of my favorite pieces I've discovered in said class...

And while I would like to post pictures of them, I haven't quite figured that out yet :) How embarrassing, haha. If you happen to know how to do this, please fill me in!

Here are some links...

** The Dominant Curve by Wassily Kandinsky

** The Last Supper by Tintoretto

** Mother and Child and Four Sketches of the Right Hand by Pablo Picasso


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