Monday, February 15, 2010

"Winter Storm" 2010

Living in the Southeast, that curious crystallized white stuff that falls from the clouds is very scarce. While most people run each other over in Wal-Mart to rip every bag of bread and carton of milk off the shelves, there are also those of us who laugh and wait for the "winter storm advisory" to be lifted and the weather men/women to hang their heads in shame.

As a side note... what are people doing with all of this bread and milk anyway? I mean, two things that will go bad if you don't consume them quickly. What if it doesn't snow? You're left with moldy bread and sour milk. Get some beanie weenies or some pork and beans, maybe a two liter beverage that doesn't require refrigeration to "be good." Anyway... just something I've always thought was odd.

With that being said, we had 4ish inches of snow on Friday. No joke. It started around 10:40 a.m. and snowed non-stop until about 4 p.m. This may have been the first time since the blizzard of 1993 (when I was a few months past 4 yrs old) that there was actually enough snow to play in... and I'm not gonna lie... we played in it :) I got Emily outside and we threw around some snowballs and took a bunch of pictures and eventually made a pretty awesome snowman (who had a face made from various sized baby carrots).

Emily applying his face

Me with Mr. Snowman (he's very stylish) :)

Some scenery

Of course, every bit of that was melted by yesterday afternoon and now there's sunshine a'plenty (but it's still terribly cold). Oh well, at least the Winter Olympics are on and goodness knows there's enough snow in Vancouver for all of us :)

Hope y'all have a blessed week!

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