Also note that a group of bloggers are now in the Dominican Republic (DR) with World Vision and will be blogging about their experiences there. The button for Jessica Turner's blog The Mom Creative is on the left of my page, and you can follow the other bloggers at their respective blogs:
Briana from Bargain Briana
Jill from The Diaper Diaries
Andrea from Mommy Snacks
Amanda from Oh Amanda
I can't stress how important it is for us to act on what we see. The photos and videos you will see posted by these women are real. The poverty is real. The children are real. More importantly... hope is real. God is real. We are all able, even in our financial "instability", to give out of our abundance one way or another. For $35 a month a child can eat, get an education, form a bond with someone they know will pray for them and who genuinely cares for their well-being. You could be that someone. I'm not here to push some infomercial garbage down your throat, guilting you into sending some money. I'm telling you from having experience in a third-world country... you can do some good. You can change a life. You can be hope and faith and love to a child. You can help a hurting kid understand that Jesus is real and He loves them and will provide for them. Just consider it. If you feel so led, act on it.
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