Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Guess What?

I've had an idea! Shocking, right? Today I was sitting at the kitchen table doodling on one of Emily's notepads, and suddenly I had produced a new little scribbling of words on a page. It's not fabulous, but it's new. So I thought I would share. I'm also unsure of a title, so for now, I'll pull an Emily Dickinson :)

From darkness to daylight
And shambles to splendor
We rise from our hiding places
Breathing deep and stretching our arms upward towards the unseen
In our awakening we find freedom
To create, to explore, and to live
To live without fear or oppression
And in this freedom we will thrive

I'm also mulling over some new posts. Just various observations and thoughts that I'll soon share here. Maybe one later this after or possibly tomorrow.

Also, for you bookworms out there, Angie Smith of Bring the Rain and Jessica Turner of The Mom Creative have an amazing book club known as The Bloom Book Club where women (and men) get together and read a book over the course of a few weeks. They post their thoughts in video form and there is a separate Ning community for group discussion. Currently we are working on Same Kind of Different As Me. It's not too late to join in!!

I hope this week finds you blessed!

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