Friday, January 29, 2010

Scooby Dooby Doo!

So, every Friday night in January the local mall is having Family Fun Night. This means that every child within a 30 mile radius begs their parents to take them to the mall to bounce in the blow up bouncy thing and to meet... Scooby Doo! Fun, right?? It just so happens that I usually frequent the mall on Friday nights to eat a little Chick-fil-a and window shop. This being the second Friday I've known about Scooby coming to town, I thought I would take a few pictures and share a little fun with everyone :)

I was ever so fortunate to get the exact same little 2 person table I had to sit at last week, so this is basically the same shot I Tweeted last Friday... except that I actually got Scooby in the picture this time, ha.

Then I decided that if I was going to actually use my exciting mall experience as blog fodder, I of course needed to get some action shots! Here we have Scooby wrangling a small child for the camera. I see he is opting for the "head compress" method :)

And finally, even the big kids wanna have their picture made with the Scoobs.

This concludes another totally (un)eventful Friday in January. Maybe next month I'll actually stand in line and get someone to snap a few photos of me and whatever poor underpaid fellow in  costume they bring in. Oh no, I have no shame, lol.

Oh! One more thing! Check out the new layout :) Cute, huh? That's me up there lounging in the grass with my coffee, haha. Hopefully everything is now more pleasing to the eye. Be sure to keep checking back for more updates!

Have a blessed weekend!

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